Respire Aromatherapy Spray | Sea Moss & Amber Blend

Respire Aromatherapy Spray: A Return to the Present

Respire is a daily invitation to pause, reconnect with yourself and embrace the present moment.This blend encapsulates the essence of breath, promoting mindfulness and relaxation.We honor the traditions of burning sage and palo santo, known for their cleansing and purifying benefits, by offering a modern interpretation.

The scent of Respire is a blend of a pure essential oil blend uniting the oceanic essence of sea moss and grounding warmth of amber. Offering a refreshed, uplifting and grounding experience whenever you need it most.

Respire presents limitless opportunities as a versatile aromatherapy spray, enriching your daily self-care routines and rejuvenating any environment. 


Product Details:

  • Size: 1oz
  • Spray Quantity: each 1oz bottle provides approximately 225 sprays, lasting up to 3 months under normal usage
  • Respire is a disposable glass cartridge with 225 sprays enclosed in a protective case
  • Instructions: Hold the top of Respire and gently shake between usages. Twist up and apply 2-4 spritzes at your discretion
Disposable glass cartridge can be purchased separately

amplify meditation practices

serene and concentrated atmosphere

2-3 sprays

refresh linens/fabrics

the ultimate relaxation

3 sprays

enhance your space

scent and elevate with an aroma diffuser

3-4 sprays

in-home spa oasis

indulge in a personal spa experience

3-4 sprays

revitalize your drive

mood elevation and enhanced comfort

2-3 sprays

Frequently asked questions

What is an aromatherapy spray?

An aromatherapy spray is a scented mist made with essential oils that can be sprayed in the air or certain fabrics to create a pleasant, aromatic atmosphere.

How do I use the aromatherapy spray?

Enhance your surroundings and well-being with aromatherapy by spraying scents to refresh spaces, create tranquility, and elevate your experience

How does aromatherapy work?

Aromatherapy harnesses the power of essential oil scents to positively influence emotions and well-being through the sense of smell, with different oils providing various therapeutic effects when inhaled or applied

What benefits can I expect from using this spray?

You can expect a range of benefits from using this spray, including:

Relaxation, rejuvenation, etc. the therapeutic benefits will vary

What are the key ingredients in the aromatherapy spray?

Respire is made from 100% pure essential oils blended with alkaline water. It contains a total of nine ingredients, with key notes including sea moss, amber, and citrus.

Can you use it on fabrics?

You can use aromatherapy sprays on fabrics to refresh and add pleasant scents. Exercise caution with delicate fabrics

Is it safe to apply directly on the skin?

While it's generally not advised to apply aromatherapy sprays directly to the skin due to concentrated essential oils that can be irritating, we've used them on our skin without issues. However, we recommend using your discretion.

How often should I use the aromatherapy spray?

How often you use aromatherapy spray depends on your preference and desired effects

Are the ingredients in the spray natural and safe?

We use 100% pure essential oils blended with alkaline water, without any synthetic additives or alcohol.